Here and Now
January 30, 2019 to April 5, 2019

Here and Now: Recent Acquisitions honors the many generous contributions from donors that make possible the continued growth of the University of Maryland Art Gallery's permanent collection. Every four years the Gallery mounts an exhibition of notable recent acquisitions and gifts. Highlights from 2015-2019 include an entire gallery devoted to the work of Washington Color School artist Paul Reed from the Bill McGillicuddy collection and the Jean Reed Roberts collection, donations and promised gifts of significant African Art from the Dr. Stephen and Dr. Sharlene Weiss collection and the Dr. Gilbert and Jean Jackson collection, several Japanese hanging scrolls from the G. Lewis and Kyoko Edayoshi Schmidt collection, major works by Latinx artists Natalia Blanch, Dora De Larios, GeoVanna Gonzalez, and Analia Saban, among many others.
This exhibition is organized by the University of Maryland Art Gallery, and is supported in part by the Dorothy and Nicholas Orem Exhibition Fund as well as a generous grant from from the Maryland State Arts Council.
Opening Reception: Wednesday, January 30th, 5 pm to 7 pm.